Jerry's Blogs

Thursday, August 21, 2008

On Ferrari

I thought it was cake....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On Stuck Songs

Both of these are inappropriate. Lilly sent me the Cheeky Girls song and it was instantly stuck in my head. For some reason, it reminds me of the What What in my Butt song.


On the People I Work With

This is just hilarious.

Monday, August 18, 2008

On Midyear Resolution

I just went back and read my Xanga. God I was a nerd back then too! What happened?

I vow to not write about technical stuff here anymore. This will be a whole new blog! It'll be about being yuppie and eating and sleeping and all the stuff that doesn't matter. It'll be about Gumball rallys and exotic cars. Hot chicks, and buckets of chicken. Hmmm, chicken...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

On Nostalgic Microsoft Story

How Hard Could it Be?: Glory Days

It's not a technical article, and I thought it was just a fun well-written piece. It's not often that I hear some good solid Bill Gates / MS praise.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

On Fantastic Start of a Weekend

Work was pretty tough this week. The code for the original concept is there, but it just breaks and barfs all over the place. I'm happy with what I accomplished, but I recognize that there's a lot more polish work to be done.

But I'm not starting that polish work right away. Polish work is best done with a fresh brain and and fresh set of hands. So I plan to do what it takes to freshen up. For starters, I ran 3.25 miles in just over 22 minutes. While this isn't speedy by my old standards, it is the fastest and most composed run I've had since... who knows. I originally planned to go easy, but I kept increasing the pace because I couldn't feel anything. I definitely felt something at the end of the run. It might've been my lungs collapsing.

Then there was this huge block of time I completely lost. I didn't waste it, I didn't *do* anything. I just felt like I blinked and 4 hours elapsed. I didn't feel bad about it, but I do wish that I had spent that time being a vegetable.

I wanted to work on my pet projects, but instead I just laid on the carpet. Around 2am I woke up with a sore back and all my limbs fuzzy and asleep. I tried crawling into bed, but I was too awake to fall back asleep. By then, everyone had gone offline. I was planning to call it a night, but I saw a comment on my technical blog that woke me up some. It was written by a guy whose work I really admire. I had planned to use his code and software in the future. Since he wrote a comment about it, I got excited enough to take some action. I spent about 2 hours reading through and figuring out his code. I think it's very clean, and had I not been so tired, I probably would've figured it out sooner. Maybe when I wake up I'll try some more stuff, but my eyes are starting to hurt and I can't organize my thoughts anymore.

Tomorrow should be fun. Hopefully I'll wake up early enough to enjoy some of it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

On Technical Brutality

I sleep and breath technical crap. I think sometimes little bits of tech jargon inject themselves into my dreams and nightmares.

I wake up and the first thing I do is reach toward my keyboard and bang on some keys to wake up my iMac. It's as if my iMac and my sleeping cycle are intricately related.

I haven't had breakfast in ages. Food the the morning usually consists of a cliff bar, a kudos bar, and my Google RSS feeds. I really trying to find more feeds to follow, both technical and otherwise. What are people reading these days online anyways?

Friday is the end of our "sprint". That means just two days to finish quite a lot of polish and work in general. I'm feeling kind of burned out at the moment.

I'm looking forward to the weekend because I haven't been able to work on my pet housing project is quite a long time. All the doodles and notes I wrote on my whiteboard are dried to the point I can't wipe it off without water.