Jerry's Blogs

Thursday, August 14, 2008

On Technical Brutality

I sleep and breath technical crap. I think sometimes little bits of tech jargon inject themselves into my dreams and nightmares.

I wake up and the first thing I do is reach toward my keyboard and bang on some keys to wake up my iMac. It's as if my iMac and my sleeping cycle are intricately related.

I haven't had breakfast in ages. Food the the morning usually consists of a cliff bar, a kudos bar, and my Google RSS feeds. I really trying to find more feeds to follow, both technical and otherwise. What are people reading these days online anyways?

Friday is the end of our "sprint". That means just two days to finish quite a lot of polish and work in general. I'm feeling kind of burned out at the moment.

I'm looking forward to the weekend because I haven't been able to work on my pet housing project is quite a long time. All the doodles and notes I wrote on my whiteboard are dried to the point I can't wipe it off without water.


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